Thursday, April 23, 2009

Project 1 part b

War is at the heart of peace, or is it? philosophers battle over the integrity of such notions. in the absence of war a society does not always find peace and through war, the quest for peace, often it is established amidst gunfire. the contradicting and fundamental harmony upheaval is the starting point for my work. It is consequently an indirect re-iteration of all that has come before and the vague reflections of the presents uncertainty. From a less metaphorical view point these structures deal with balance in discord, and display harmony's monotony. These concepts do not advocate disorder, just a new form of order. Whilst experimenting in GC I tried to use the parametric nature of scripting to create a repetitious yet developing entity. something that created a new object just by continuing to be itself. Whether or not i have succeeded in this is questionable. Unfortunately I found my limited abilities within GC most constraining but have great anticipation for better understanding of its potential. The works of Calatrava are particular inspiring to me in this area of architecture and another individual i came across in my research named Sean Canty, examples of his work can be seen here.

My first series that is based off the freeform roof tutorial was a really good learning curve. I picked up many new skills and began to understand the concepts behind generative components better. I have for the most avoided allocating "purposes" to these forms as they are primarily an experiment on surface architecture and a sense of slightly askew balance. The development of these forms was simply a natural progression of experimentation and tweaking and refining. I added a few 3ds objects into the renders just to highlight the form and function of the generative component Structures. I changed the cones of the generative component to create a more interesting shape and even though this took a lot of trial and error i like the result. That said i think there is a lot more room for growth and development in the future , i'm hardly even scratching the surface.

In the Other Iteration i began to play with straight modelling within GC. these created some very interesting forms but i think its not really what GC is all about. ANy structure made through this methodology is unintelligent and hard to replicate than a smarter, parameter driven structure. It also takes away from the scripting benefits of GC. Still, i like the renders that were produced. (Images 5-6)


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